Melilea Organic Free BC Hand Sanitizer 250ML X 2 Bottle While Last

Melilea Organic Free BC Hand Sanitizer 250ML X 2 Bottle While Last

  • 商城价:
  • $
  • 市场价:
  • $226.52 手机购买更便宜





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商品名称:Melilea Organic Free BC Hand Sanitizer 250ML X 2 Bottle While Last

  • 货号:TP9369910
Melilea Organic 3 Bottle

Melilea Important Announcement
Melilea Organic Botanical Powder Rm225
Melilea Organic Henry Apple Orchard Rm49
Melilea Organic Soymilk Powder Rm21

Organic Botanical Powder (16oz)

The 3 Healthy Functions:
~Improves Physique and Strengthens Body Health:
Cleanses your body and at the same time, provides your body with balanced nutrition in order to improve your body health.

~Strengthens the Skin from Inside Out:
A product for regulating your internal body, which provides nutrients to your skin, making it healthy and beautiful.

~Traditionally Used for Strengthening Body:
Functional organic food with body regulating efficacies strengthens your body and improves your health!

Directions for consumption:
-prepare the ingredients by mixing MELILEA organic Nutritous Botanical Powder drink according to your preference.

-Pour 350ml of cold water into the shaker.

you may mix with MELILEA Apple Orchard or Melilea Organic Soymillk Powder for an even better taste.

-Cover shaker and shake well to ensure that the powder is mixed well with the water.

~調理體質,強身健體: 淨化身體的同時提供身體均衡的營養,以達到調理體質的效果。
~由內而外,白裡透紅好氣色: 作為內調理產品從體內淨化開始,讓身體攝取均衡營養,肌膚更健康美麗。
~調理身體,天然防護: 機能性複方草本調理身體機能,強化體質使身體更健康。


