Adored Beast Yeasty Beast Protocol ( 3 Product Kit) - for dogs only

Adored Beast Yeasty Beast Protocol ( 3 Product Kit) - for dogs only

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商品名称:Adored Beast Yeasty Beast Protocol ( 3 Product Kit) - for dogs only

  • 货号:TP9317041

Adored Beast Yeasty Beast Protocol ( 3 Product Kit) - for dogs only
Have you noticed brownish colouring around your dog's lips or paws, or brown gunk in her ears?

It could be a dog yeast infection.

This complete protocol is the intelligent way to help get rid dog yeast without dangerous yeast die-off.

It's a safe and effective program of gentle herbs and homeopathic remedies.

The 3 product kit contains:

Liver Tonic - 60ml

Yeasty Beast - homeopathic comibination 60ml

Yeasty Beast - nutraceutical powder 69g

For use in dogs only.

3 Step Kit to Clear Up a Dog Yeast Infection
Liver Tonic Ingredients:
Mother tincture of Taraxacum Officinalis, Chelidonium majus, Carduus Marianus, Berberis
Inactive Ingredients: Organic Vegetable Gylcerine, Water
Yeasty Beast I Ingredients:
A homeopathic combination of:

Sulphur 30x

Berberis 12c

Nux Vomica 12c

Echinacea 12c

Graphites 12c

Prepared in a 13% alcohol base
This combination is specifically designed to target SKIN and will help with itch, detox and toxin removal.

Yeasty Beast II Ingredients:
Enzyme Probiotic Blend, Pau d’arco, Caprylic Acid.

Not for use in CATS. 
Therapeutic Effects
Enzyme Blend w/ single strain probiotic 

Boulardii probiotic
Plant based (fungi) enzymes

Enzymes given separate from food work to target yeast bacteria cells and feast on skeleton


Boulardii is specific to attract yeast and pull it through

Pau d’arco
Herbal - tree 
Tabebuia Impetiginosa

immune boosting herb

anti fungal

natural antibacterial agent

cleanses blood

used for treating many auto immune diseases

Caprylic Acid
Saturated Fatty Acid

anti fungal

known for keeping digestive and reproductive organs functioning properly

immune booster

reduce yeast growth

reduces inflammation of the gut

helps skin

Instruction for use:
The protocol contains detailed instructions to clear out a dog yeast infection following these simple steps:

Change diet to eliminate as many starches, sugars and carbohydrates as possible - this will initiate the early stages of yeast starvation and eventually create a die-off.

Introduce the Liver Tonic to help prepare the organs for detox of the yeast toxins.

Introduce the Yeasty Beast I homeopathic combination - these ingredients will support skin and detox as well as the immune system.

Introduce the Yeasty Beast II Powder - you would do this 2 hours before or after meals to allow the enzymes to work on the yeast instead of assisting with digestion.

This product is not for use on cats.

Safe and effective use in pregnant animals or those intended for breeding has not been proven. 

Once the yeast die off is complete, it is a good idea to move on to the Leaky Gut Protocol or at minimum add in Love Bugs to help increase and maintain the optimal level of beneficial gut flora to keep the yeast at bay. 
How long will this last?

The kit lasts approximately:

60 days for up to 60lbs

30 days for over 60lbs


